Help / upload



Go to the upload page (also found the in side menu):

Click on the CONNECT button for Dropbox you will then be redirected to the official Dropbox website.


Authorise the app.

Note, NatureShare will not have access to any of your existing Dropbox files.

When you authorise the NatureShare app a new Apps folder will be created.

You must put the files you want NatureShare to access only in that folder - see below.


You will be redirected back to the NatureShare uploads page.

Uploading Photos

Apps Folder

A new folder will have been created in your Dropbox account called Apps.

Use the web browser or desktop integration to find it.

NatureShare folder

Inside the Apps folder is a new folder titled NatureShare


Inside the NatureShare folder, please create one or more new folders for your photos.

I recommend creating one folder per year, but you can use any name you like (eg "frogs"), as long as you keep it short and only use letters and numbers.


Drag and drop your photo files to the new folder.

Note, only one level deep of sub-folders is allowed inside the NatureShare folder.

Text files

You must now annotate your photos with the metadata required by NatureShare.

Each photo (or group of photos) must have a text file (.txt) with the same name as the photo file.

Add the structured text that describes your photo to this file.

You can create this file on your computer with Notepad or TextEdit and save it along side your photos.


The content of the text file must start with "---".

Note, id, description, tags and license are not required. For example, if you do not know the id (species), remove that line from the file.

For assistance creating the metadata text, please go to:

Here is an example file:

id: [Ranoidea citropa]
description: Small frog found on a track in Blue Mountains NP
collections: [blue_mountains_np]
tags: [frog]
license: CC BY 4.0

Grouping Photos

Sometimes you may have more than one photo for the same specimen, at the same place and time.

It is easy to group them in to the same observation item.

Set the Filenames

To group a set of photos, give them all the same filename.

Then, set the order of the photos by adding "~" (tilde) and a number at the end of each name.

For example, three photos would have the titles: filename, filename~2 and filename~3.

(The tilde can be found near the top-left of most keyboards.)

Note, only create one text file for the group.

On Your Computer

Tip: Keep your photo files organised on your own computer and then automatically sync them to Dropbox with the Dropbox app.

NatureShare Sync

Request a NatureShare update.

When you are finished uploading files, return to to NatureShare upload page.

Click on the SYNC NOW button.

Please Wait

Sync runs once per hour and can be a slow process.

Your computer may also cache this website for up to one day, preventing you from seeing new updates.

Please return later to see your photos appear on NatureShare.